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Cleaning of Animal Sheds

Cleaning of Animal Sheds

Animal shelters can be readily cleaned with tap water, the removal and correct disposal of all manure and spent straw bedding, and the installation of a drainage system that allows for the total discharge of liquid waste and urine.

The removal of leftover feed and fodder from the trough each day minimizes the number of flies. Periodic water purification eliminates the growth of algae, bacterial, and viral contamination, hence maintaining the animal’s health.


Purification of the Animal Shed

Sanitizing the animal shed is essential for eliminating all microorganisms capable of producing sickness in the animals. The presence of microbes in the animal shed can taint the milk produced by dairy animals, hence diminishing their self-sufficiency and milk output.

In addition to keeping the animal shed dry, dry flooring prevents foot injuries. Similarly, the presence of flies and other insects in the animal shed serves as a type of disruption for the animals, which might result in a disease outbreak.



The sun is the most strong and effective disinfectant, destroying the vast majority of disease-causing microorganisms. Animal shed disinfection entails eliminating all disease-causing germs from the animal shed.

Chemical agents such as bleaching powder, iodine, lodophor, sodium carbonate, washing soda, Slaked Lime (Calcium hydroxide), Quick Lime (Calcium oxide), phenol, etc. are typically strewn as part of this procedure.



Insecticides are substances or preparations used to eliminate insects. They can be extremely dangerous, should be handled with care, and should not come into touch with food-related substances such as feed, concentrates, water, etc.

Cautionary measures when utilizing disinfection in insecticide.

Remove all excrement and soiled bedding.

Avoid spilling feces and used bedding when you remove them.

When cleaning the sheds, avoid using unclean water.

The leftover fodder from the previous day should always be placed in the manger.

Prevent the development of algae in water troughs.

Utilize the correct concentration of disinfectant/insecticide solutions to prevent any hazardous consequences from occurring.

Avoid mats throughout the milking process, as milk quickly absorbs these materials.



Remove the manure from the floor and urine channel using a shovel and a basket (made of iron) and place it in the wheelbarrow.

In a similar fashion, remove the soiled bedding and leftovers from the mangers.

Utilize a floor brush to clean the water trough’s sides and bottom after emptying it.

Once each week, thoroughly clean the water trough with clean water and a lime-water solution.

Scrub the floor with a brush and broom, and then rinse it with water.

Clean and disinfect the manure stains on the side walls, railings, and stanchions.

Periodically, use a wall brush to remove the cobwebs.

Use the following concentration of one of the available disinfectants. The available chlorine content of bleaching powder should exceed 30%. 1-2% solution of phenol 4% solution of washing soda

Permit sufficient sunshine into the shed.

At regular intervals, especially during the rainy season, insecticides should be sprayed (Fly season).

To eradicate ticks and mites residing in cracks and crevices, whitewash the walls on a regular basis with pesticides.

Additional Factors to Consider


The animal sheds must have proper facilities for milking barns, calf pens, calving pens, and storage rooms.

It is necessary to make provisions for a feeding trough, a watering station, and a resting place.

The shed’s floor may be paved with cement or brick, but it must be simple to clean.

To prevent animals from slipping, the floor should be rough.

The shed’s drainage should be shallow and covered with detachable tiles, if possible.

The roof could be composed of corrugated cement sheet, asbestos, or brick and rafters.

It is usually a good idea to plant some shady trees for excellent protection against straight cold winds in the winter and to stay cool in the summer.

Would you like more information regarding animal shed cleaning? Send an email to and we will assist you in any way possible.


However, if you wish to purchase meat (including ram and goat), please click here to place an order for nutritious, traceable meat from a fit-for-slaughter herd.

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